Caring SG Commuters

Let's work together to show care for our fellow commuters

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Being a Caring Commuter means able to feel for others and don't judge! We can create a more caring commuting culture by starting from home.
Ann, 41
To be more tolerant, patient and not be judgmental.
Linda Chan, 65
The most vital thing to create a more caring commuting culture which I think would be to wear a SMILE while commuting. 
Herald Nithesh, 27
A Caring Commuter is someone whom care and keep a lookout for fellow commuters, always ready to lend a helping hand to those whom need assistance. Bringing the kampung spirit into our daily commute! 
Tony Halim, 43
Awareness, communication, recognition.
TK Choo, 36
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Caring Commuter Award 2024
is now open for nomination!



Our Commuter Stories

Be inspired by local commuters who have found conversation, extended care and forged friendships on their shared journeys across the city.

From Being Cared for to Caring for Others

Equestrian Paralympian Maximillian Tan shares how he receives care on public transport and pays it forward.

Click here to read the article

Photography for Good: Exhibition Showcasing Inclusive Commuting Culture

The “Photography for Good” exhibition was launched to showcase the efforts by public agencies, public transport operators and commuters in making Singapore’s public transport inclusive.

Click here to read the article

Jun Le Finds His Way Home with a Little Help

Bob Lee recounted how a family of caring commuters helped his son Jun Le, a person with autism when he was lost during his commute.

Click here to read the article