CARE Ride @ South West 2022

Sep 10, 2022, 18:00 PM

10 Sep 2022

Title : CARE Ride @ South West 2022
Department : Factsheet
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            Nine seniors from REACH Senior Centre @ Bukit Gombak Vista, together with 28 volunteers, took part in the CARE Ride @ South West event on 10 September 2022. The seniors took a bus ride to Bukit Batok Bus Interchange, where they went on a guided tour conducted by Tower Transit Singapore staff to learn about inclusivity features (e.g. priority boarding and Heart Zone) and wayfinding tips, and how to seek assistance if needed at the interchange.


2          The CARE Ride @ South West event is a Caring SG Commuters Committee initiative that has been adopted by South West Community Development Council’s ‘Adopt @ South West’ community programme. It is targeted at seniors who may need help when using public transport due to the lack of confidence or other issues such as dementia or poor eyesight. CARE Ride @ South West aims at inter-generational bonding among commuters; for the younger generation to be more aware and mindful of senior commuters in their midst, and to have more empathy and willingness to help, making bus rides more purposeful and joyful for all.


3          Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor of South West District; Mr Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport; and Ms Janet Ang, Chairperson, Public Transport Council and Caring SG Commuters Committee, joined the seniors and the volunteers on their bus ride and guided tour of the bus interchange. The participants also took part in several simulation activities where volunteers learnt how they can help vulnerable commuters, and senior commuters learnt how they can seek help during their public transport journey.


4          The 28 volunteers comprise staff from BNP Paribas Singapore, members of Bukit Gombak EAGLES Interact Club, Rotaract Club of Bukit Gombak, Bukit Gombak Citizens’ Consultative Committee, Hillview Community Club Management Committee, and students from Lianhua Primary School. The first CARE Ride @ South West event took place in December 2018. Today’s CARE Ride @ South West puts into practice the four behavioural norms set out in the Committee’s “Our Caring Commuter Journey” Report, i.e., ‘Give Time, Give a Hand, Give Care and Give Thanks’.


About Caring SG Commuters Movement

The Caring SG Commuters movement first began in August 2017 as a national culture-building movement to foster a caring commuting culture in Singapore. Members of the public are invited to visit the Caring SG Commuters Portal to find out more about Caring SG Commuters initiatives and how they can get involved.


About Caring SG Commuters Committee

The Caring SG Commuters Committee was set up in January 2020 with the mandate to work with commuters and the community to transform Singapore’s public transport system into one that is more caring, welcoming and inclusive. It is chaired by Ms Janet Ang, who is concurrently the Chairperson of PTC, and comprises key industry players, as well as representatives from relevant ministries and agencies.