Meet Parvitar Singh, National Serviceman and Caring Commuter Award 2019 Winner

Nov 23, 2019, 15:22 PM

23 Nov 2019

Title : Meet Parvitar Singh, National Serviceman and Caring Commuter Award 2019 Winner
Abstract : On the evening of 29 July 2019, Mr Parvitar Singh spotted a crowd and saw a lady sitting on the floor at the Yishun Temporary Bus Interchange.


On the evening of 29 July 2019, Mr Parvitar Singh was on the way to Northpoint City to run some errands when he spotted a crowd and saw a lady (Mrs Jee) sitting on the floor at the Yishun Temporary Bus Interchange. She was vomiting and feeling weak. He learnt from the staff working at the interchange that she was pregnant.

After identifying himself as a medic serving National Service, he cleared the on-looking crowd, calmed her down and offered assistance. Together with the staff, he helped her onto a wheelchair and kept her company in the resting room until the ambulance arrived.

Parvitar’s act of care is greatly appreciated by Mrs Jee, who said that she would never forget his act of kindness.



The Caring Commuter Award recognises commuters who have demonstrated acts of care to others in need during their daily commute on public transport. 

This is the first time since the inception of National Kindness Award - Transport Gold that an award category is being dedicated to commuters. 

The Caring Commuter Award is jointly launched by the Public Transport Council (PTC) and Singapore Kindness Movement, and is also part of PTC’s Caring SG Commuters movement.