4 Ways to Give Back During the Season of Giving

Dec 22, 2022, 16:43 PM

22 Dec 2022

Title : 4 Ways to Give Back During the Season of Giving
Abstract : Find out how you can Give Time, Give Care, Give a Hand and Give Thanks this holiday season.

The season of giving is upon us! As 2022 comes to an end, most of us will be taking stock of the year that has passed and setting goals for the upcoming new year. To end 2022 on a high note, why not spend this holiday season doing good and Give a Hand to fellow commuters in need?


Dec Article (1)
Busy roads along Orchard Road during the festive season.
Public Transport Council


Give Time by learning how to help commuters in need


Spend your break Giving Time by signing up as Caring Commuter Champions and completing the Caring Commuter E-learning course to learn how you can better help commuters in need. You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to help commuters during your daily commute.


Dec Article (2)
Caring Commuter e-learning Course
Source: Public Transport Council


Give a Hand to someone in need on your commute 


Now that you have learnt more about how to better help fellow commuters, don’t forget to Give a Hand to someone in need during your commute. Commuters such as wheelchair users, persons with autism, those living with dementia and persons with invisible conditions might sometimes need our assistance on public transport. Don’t be shy to approach them to ask if they require any help before rendering assistance.


Dec Article (3)
Caring commuter giving a hand to another commuter.
Source: Public Transport Council


Look out for opportunities to Give Care


As you commute around for your holiday shopping and visiting, show care and keep a look out for commuters in need. For a start, you can visit the Heart Zones set up at 11 locations across the island and help out fellow commuters who may require assistance to their destinations.


Dec Article (4)
Heart Zone at Novena MRT Station
Source: Public Transport Council


Give Thanks to a caring person in your life


Much like it is important for us to show care to the people around us, we should appreciate the kindness we receive as well, even if it is from strangers. If you have received a helping hand from someone this year, why not reach out to thank them and show your appreciation? If you spot a caring commuter while you are on your commute, you can approach them to give thanks and don’t hesitate to share the caring stories on our Community Wall.


Most importantly, the season of giving is all about sharing love and care with everyone around you. Wishing all commuters happy holidays and plenty of blessings as we step into the new year.



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